Welcome to ChargeLab! Let’s get you set up to start charging.
Access the Application
Mobile app
Click a button below to download the ChargeLab app for iOS or Android.
Web app
You can also use ChargeLab's web app by simply scanning any charger’s unique QR code or by visiting https://charge.id/app/account.
Create an Account
Step 1: Sign Up
Download the app or go to https://charge.id/app/account. Instead of logging in, click the "sign up" button. Enter your first name, last name, email address and phone number and then press "Next" on the bottom right. -
Step 2: Receive Passcode
- A one time passcode will be texted to your phone number. Copy it and enter it where prompted and then press "SIGN IN". Note that you only have 60 seconds to enter the code before it times out. If you took too long or didn't receive it, press "RESEND CODE?" to try again. Congratulations! You are now signed in and can search for charger in the explore tab.
if you are trying to use a paid charger, you will first need to add a payment card to your account before you can press "START".