How to export key data

Overview page

The main chart on the overview page provides a visualization of key metrics for the selected time period.

  • Click Sessions, Energy used, or Fees collected to change which key metrics are shown on the chart.
  • Click the back and forward arrows to change the date range.
  • To download the displayed data, click Export CSV. Note that if data for multiple locations is being displayed, each location will have its own line item in the downloaded .csv file.


Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 3.42.58 PM.png


Reports Page

To view the Reports page, click Reports in the sidebar. 


The Reports section in the dashboard allows site hosts and partners to generate and download reports for their chargers and historical usage. Users can generate and download .csv files on their chargers or historical usage for specified chargers over a specified time frame. Reports are generated from two data sources: Chargers and Sessions.

  • This report provides monthly aggregations of charger information such as # of sessions, # of unique customers, total charging time, total energy provided, and revenue. This report provides past monthly data and is accessible on the first day of the month following the one it covers.
  • There are two types of session reports:

    Full session:Provides information such as session duration, energy used, idle duration, peak power, average power and revenue.

    15-minute intervals: Splits session information into 15-minute intervals and provides information such as start time and end time, average power, total energy consumed, peak power and idle duration.